Cooking with Nunzio – Collingswood Farmer’s Market

Chef Nunzio Patruno

For the rest of this week we’re doing something a little different here at Fabulous Fare Sisters. We’ll be highlighting a local Chef today and sharing a few of his recipes over the next few days. Let me give you just a little background: My husband and I recently had the most wonderful experience…we were invited to join a group at Nunzio’s Restaurant in Collingswood, NJ where Chef Nunzio Patruno shares his passion for food during cooking classes. On this beautiful Saturday morning in June, Chef Nunzio brings us all along with him to the Collingswood Farmer’s Market to choose the fresh produce he uses for each class. On today’s menu: Famous Gnocchi of Italy in three different sauces….what a delight to spend the morning with such a charming and experienced chef! Join us on this wonderful adventure…

Let’s head over to the Collingswood Farmer’s Market …where Chef Nunzio knows all the vendors personally and shares many laughs and smiles as he makes his way through the Market. Here’s Nunzio says hello to Michael DiBartolo of Collingswood’s Di Bartolo Bakery…
Chef Nunzio - Collingswood Farmer's Market

Chef Nunzio inspects the vegetables and fruits along the way…choosing what he specifically needs for each day.

Chef Nunzio

The bounty is beautiful and plentiful! Coming in from all over New Jersey – Jersey Fresh, of course!

The Bounty of the Market

Chef Nunzio

The Bounty of the Market

The Bounty of the Market

Nunzio discusses produce with Ralph Formisano of Formisano Farms located in Buena, NJ…

Collingswood Farmer's Market

and he gets some fresh veggies for our class from Kevin Flaim of Flaim Farms in Vineland, NJ.

Collingswood Farmer's Market

Collingswood Farmer's Market

Chef Nunzio & guests

Join us back inside Nunzio’s Restaurant for the cooking class…
Cooking with Nunzio

Chef Nunzio’s lively conversation and engaging personality makes this cooking class one of a kind!
The Guests

Chef’s knowledge of the history of Gnocchi and the different sauces was priceless! Nunzio jokingly shares the tidbit that every region of Italy claims they’re the ‘creator’ of Gnocchi!

Cooking with Nunzio

As Chef Nunzio demonstrated techniques and his passion for cooking, we all enjoyed a glass (or two!) of white wine or Chef’s homemade House Red Blend. Robust and Hearty!

Guests having wine

The room was full of life and energy as Chef Nunzio engaged with the guests!

Chef Nunzio & guests

Fresh from the Market: Mouthwatering Roasted Italian Eggplants served alongside some delicious Roasted Zucchini & Squash Flatbread


Fresh from the Market: Savoy Cabbage with Sausage (Yum!)


Famous Gnocchi of Italy!


Ricotta Flan with Fresh from the Market Blackberries


Let’s all raise a glass to toast Chef Nunzio for generously sharing his love of Italian food with us!
Chef Nunzio
And let’s thank his beautiful wife Maribel for her hospitality!
Maribel Patruno
and we can’t forget Fedele, Chef Nunzio’s nephew – who shares Nunzio’s love of food! Fedele made the delicious Ricotta Flan for dessert…
Fedele Palmisano
…and a big thank you to Raul, our server who was quick on his feet and very friendly…
…and many thanks to all the great people back in the kitchen who support Chef Nunzio everyday. If you get a chance to visit Nunzio’s Restaurant you’ll be delighted. We’ll be sharing Chef Nunzio’s Famous Gnocchi of Italy recipes over the next few days – so come back and visit us!

I hope you enjoyed this adventure almost as much as we did! Have a wonderful day.


We’ve created a Fabulous Fare Sisters Facebook page…Like us on Facebook. You can also check us out on Pinterest. Come join us in our food adventure!

23 thoughts on “Cooking with Nunzio – Collingswood Farmer’s Market

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