Fresh Bruschetta & Toast

Fresh Bruschetta & Toast

I love this appetizer!!! Many years ago when I was living in Philadelphia, I extracted this recipe from a chef at a restaurant called Felicia’s. It was one of the best Italian restaurants in Philly at the time. It was even mentioned in the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. Sad to say, I heard the restaurant closed which makes me even happier I have this recipe. I never wrote it down because I’ve made it so many times, but I’m writing it down for you today… Continue reading

Fresh Tomato Sauce

Fresh Tomato Sauce 1

I love this time of year! The days are warm with a beautiful breeze and the evenings are just a little cool. Fall is approaching, the garden is slowing down and the Brussels sprouts will be here soon. This is the time of year when I like to make my own tomato sauce. Although we grow a lot of tomatoes, we did not grow any Roma tomatoes this year. So off I went to the growers market to buy a bushel of meaty Roma tomatoes. Just a tip for my sauce, I do not use any herbs in this first round because I use the sauce in so many different ways. When I am making a dish, that is the time I choose the seasoning and herbs. Just salt and pepper for this round… Continue reading

Fresh Salsa Made Easy

Fresh Salsa Made Easy 1

Summer, What a wonderful fresh time of year! I was in my garden yesterday and noticed the tomatoes are beginning to grow. Just a matter of time now. Well today I was craving fresh tomatoes so I went for my salsa that almost tastes like I just picked the tomatoes from my garden. This salsa is fresh, easy and delicious.    Continue reading

Pork Loin Braciole

Braciole is an Italian American dish. The name meaning thin slices of meat, usually pork, chicken, or beef that are pounded thin and rolled with a stuffing. The traditional stuffing has cheese and bread crumbs, but like all good dishes, this roulade can be made with all sorts of creations. I stuffed pork with pork in this briciole so how could it be anything but delicious. I will defiantly make this dish again. Next time I believe I will try it with red wine.   Continue reading