Tips For The Trade

Tips For The Trade

Okay, so here are two tips I use in advance to save my prep time and clean up time…

Tip 1… I love garlic… and I cook with copious amounts of it. I sometimes have complicated recipes, so to reduce my work time I do a lot of the work in advance. When I peel and chop garlic for instance, I never do just the ‘right’ amount. I almost always clean and chop the whole head. I clean and chop and then store the rest of the unused garlic in a 4 oz mason jar with olive oil for another time. This saves me so much time when I need to saute garlic or make a dressing.

Tip 2 … and I said it before, use a wine bottle cork in your pasta water to prevent the starch in the pasta from spilling all over your stove and leaving you with a ‘much to do about nothing’ clean-up. Works every time and adds to the flavor of the pasta.

18 thoughts on “Tips For The Trade

  1. Lol. Cork in pasta water is funny . It works . But you don’t have to have a cork .. have the edge of the dish you boiling pasta with litle oil draged on the edge that will stop the foaming starchy water to get over
    Culinary Profesionals will never follow those rules because the water for pasta never boil with that intensity .is slowly shimmer..and cooked half way in most dishes since pasta is rarely use as a stand alone dish . Sauces, and other liquids to complete the dish with pasta will continue cooking pasta by the time is served .


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